Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Update :D

It has been a BUSY couple of months, filled with traveling, school, and everyday life. In early September we visited the Alsace region of France. We had family visiting mid-september and went to Cologne, Rothenburg, Idar-Oberstein, and of course shopping in Kaiserslautern. In October the husband, baby and I went to Porto, Portugal...which was honestly a little disappointing. AND we were scheduled to see Cinque Terre, Italy this weekend but had to cancel. We need to catch up on life, (and I need to catch up on posts!). Each place we visited will have devoted posts when I get around to it. We are loving Germany more and more everyday. Husband and I have also been in fitness mode. I have never been a runner (EVER) and began running with baby J. My first run with the jogging stroller was over a 16 minute mile! (I know, I know). Within 3 weeks I had it down to 1245! and last night I discovered 2 SUPER defined abs had appeared. :D I'm trying to be in the best shape of my life, but gaining 65 pounds during pregnancy was a bit of a setback :p We have also been eating healthier. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, and flax seed. Baby steps, but we are seeing results. On a different note, I have discovered my love for wine :p Life is exciting and stressful. <3
