Sunday, September 1, 2013

Flying to the states (ALONE) with a one year old!

I recently (okay a month ago) returned home from a month long visit to my family in upstate NY. My husband was unable to join us and I worried for weeks prior about how I was going to fly alone with my active and crazy little boy. I researched tips and tricks on how to manage this. Here are the tips I used, how they worked for me, and a few of my own. 

-To carry a carseat and a baby: use a baby carrier
This would be an excellent tip only problem, I have a wrap that I've used twice. I am nowhere near proficient enough to figure that thing out while carrying everything and trying to board a plane. My tip, use a carrier that you KNOW HOW TO USE! :D 

- Wrap multiple toys and bring them on the plane, unwrapping them will entertain your baby. 
I was super excited about this one I thought it would work wonders. What happened he wasn't into unwrapping anything the first two hours and slept the rest of the way. So I literally packed an entire bag (12 toys) that I didn't need :'( However I think if your child loves that kind of thing, definitely worth a try just don't go overboard. 

-Pack LOTS of Snacks!
This is the best tip ever for plane travel with a baby/toddler. When all else fails snack food usually shuts him up fast :p :D

-Don't overpack, even your checked luggage.
I encountered a terrible problem when flying in to the states alone. I had to recheck my luggage between connections. I was in trouble. I had to push a stroller all my bags and two suitcases through customs and FAR down a hall to recheck them. It was a nightmare. When I arrived in Germany on the way home, similar problem. My husband was past customs, baggage claim was not. I also walked by where I was supposed to claim my stroller (in an oversized luggage area for some reason) and had to search the airport. Absolute nightmare. I also of course overpacked my carry ons taking as much as allowed. Me, a stroller, a carseat, and 3 bags, not fun. 

Overall I was lucky my son slept ALOT and it was exhausting and stressful but I survived. My biggest advice DON'T do it :D Really I will never go again without my husband but I understand life isn't always convenient like that. It will suck but if I can do it anyone can. :D

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